Giving Compass' Take:

• 800-CEO-READ provides an excerpt and brief review of Phil Buchanan's book "Giving Done Right," which teaches donors how to do more good with their contributions.

• Do Buchanan's lessons in effective giving allign with the mission of impact philanthropy?

Click hereto check out the Center for Effective Philanthropy's "Effective Giving" magazine and learn how to optimize the impact of your giving.

A majority of American households give to charity in some form or another—from local donations to food banks, religious organizations, or schools, to contributions to prevent disease or protect basic freedoms. Whether you're in a position to give $1 or $1 million, every giver needs to answer the same question: How do I channel my giving effectively to make the greatest difference?

In Giving Done Right, Phil Buchanan, the president of the Center for Effective Philanthropy, arms donors with what it takes to do more good more quickly and to avoid predictable errors that lead too many astray. It busts commonly held myths and challenging the idea that "business thinking" holds the answer to effective philanthropy. And it offers the intellectual frameworks, data-driven insights, tools, and practical examples to allow readers to understand exactly what it takes to make a difference.

In Giving Done Right, [Phil] lay[s] out what we know about what it takes to be an effective giver. It’s about thoughtful goal selection, the identification of smart strategies, great relationships with those you support, and assessment of progress. [Phil] also discuss[es] additional tools that you might employ to pursue your goals.

Giving done right sparks a virtuous cycle. Like the famous concept of the butterfly effect, which argues that a single butterfly can change weather patterns, effective giving ripples inward and outward, with far-reaching positive consequences for givers and recipients. So, too, can ineffective giving reap far-reaching negative effects, resulting in tornadoes that inflict damage that was never intended.

Read the full article aboutgiving effectivelyby Phil Buchanan at 800-CEO-READ