- Sarni预测,缺水将是一个决定性的问题在未来几十年,和快速技术创新需要避免危机。
- 为什么水访问在不久的将来可能会成为一个问题?捐助者如何帮助奠定了公平获得水在一个资源有限的世界?
- 读到全球水供应的状态。
世界是一个快速和痛苦从相信水是丰富和自由(或至少便宜)面临着水资源短缺的影响,水质差,从气候变化水文事件的可变性。这个实现是慢慢演变为公共部门面临着实现这一政策改革是迫切要求解决人类的悲剧演变成城市,如燧石,密歇根州和开普敦,南非。不仅仅是开普敦全球其他城市面临一个类似的缺水危机:班加罗尔,印度;巴西圣保罗;中国,北京;埃及开罗;雅加达,印尼;土耳其伊斯坦布尔;墨西哥城,墨西哥;英国伦敦; Miami, Florida, and Los Angeles, California.
现在世界正经历不再能被诬陷为“正常”。The past can no longer be used to predict seasonal weather events and precipitation (e.g., a loss of stationarity). Increasing population growth places demands on the need for water and negatively impacts water quality. As a result, there is a pressing need for: new public policies and business strategies; and innovation in technology, financing, business models and partnerships to thrive in the 21st century. These new policies, strategies and innovative solutions are only possible with better and accessible data and actionable information. We need to deploy digital solutions (information and communication technologies (ICT)) to enable the more efficient and effective use of water data for public sector business, societal, and ecosystem needs.
阅读全文重新考虑水通过将在GreenBiz Sarni。