近年来,“气候正义”已成为气候变化行动主义的新框架,其中一种环境正义运动的基层能量与全球灾难是气候变化。从著名的(比尔·麦基本(Bill McKibben)和蒂姆·德里斯托珀(Tim DeChristopher))到鲜为人知的(和平的起义和上升潮汐),各种各样的个人和组织都将其视为气候正义活动家。


学者和激进主义者习惯性地将1970年的第一个地球日视为现代环境运动的合并时刻。The country’s concurrent disinvestment in the public sphere, its embrace of “hyper-individualism,” its move away from traditional identities of race and class and insistence instead that it was a “post-racial” society: these seismic changes in the American public sphere were seamlessly incorporated into the post-ideological worldview of “mainstream” Washington, D.C.-based environmentalism. Those organizations which became the voice for the environment in Washington D.C. were the product of, and themselves contributed to, the migration away from ideologically-based movement politics and towards individual consumer choices, the erosion of commitment to the common good, and the belief that the free market is the most natural expression of human relations.


在阶梯式的气候正义中,首次合唱了基层和环城政治的尝试。气候justice activists understand climate change as one symptom of capitalism’s organized oppression, and they espouse a militancy unseen in mainstream politics—a resuscitation of the tactics of non-violent civil disobedience honed through decades (and, in some cases, centuries) of labor, civil rights, and antiwar organizing.



阅读有关的全文气候正义的历史詹妮弗·汤普森(Jennifer Thompson)在《解决方案杂志》上。