
Frameworks and policies now exist that articulate gender considerations and uphold women’s engagement as stakeholders in all four of the main public climate finance mechanisms—the Adaptation Fund, Climate Investment Funds (CIF), Green Climate Fund (GCF), and Global Environment Facility (GEF). This notable achievement is due in part to the sustained and committed advocacy of women’s groups and organizations over the last decade, that have provided advice and guidance to these public funds. In addition, philanthropic funders and individual, institutional and gender lens investors are now identifying climate change as a critical area of their investments as well.



解决气候变化的一些最关键的利益相关者是基层妇女,妇女组织,性别和气候专家和倡导者 - 从设计到决策,实施到监测,他们参与气候融资过程的参与仍然有限。如Wedo(2019)所述,“性别 - 正当的气候融资将需要包括并吸引这些组织和团体作为项目设计,实施,监视和评估的各个阶段的组成伙伴以及各级融资的各个阶段的组成伙伴的机制。”

阅读有关的全文气候和性别资金由AVPN的Jeannette Gurung撰写。