

  • 我同意加入的五个董事会,因为对任务的热情以及对董事会寻求的一致性和我可以提供的东西的一致性的共同理解
  • 我没有加入的六个板子,因为适合或不正常的时间安排

但是,有第三类董事会招聘经验留下了最不可磨灭的回忆 - 记忆虽然令人不愉快,但却提供了我至今随身携带的一些宝贵的“经验教训”。The third category consists of the two times I declined to join a board because I felt disrespected during the board’s recruitment process – so disrespected that declining the invitation was an easy decision because I believed that the recruitment experience was a foreshadowing of the obstacles I would have faced as a board member.


There’s a better way for predominantly White boards to plan and execute the process of recruiting people of color to join their boards – a way that honors the vital importance of the task to the board’s continued effectiveness and respects the full value of the skills and attributes people of color can bring to boards. Here are some questions predominantly White boards should be asking themselves to assess and guide their approach to recruiting for board diversity:

  • 反思多样性对组织工作的重要性
  • 扩大和多样化潜在董事会候选人网络
  • 建立包容性和热情的董事会文化

阅读有关的全文董事会多样性吉姆·泰勒(Jim Taylor)在董事会上。