自2007年以来,集体捐赠团体(通常称为捐赠圈子)的数量增加了两倍,对于来自不同背景的捐助者来说,这是一种越来越流行的方式来扩大其捐赠的影响。This growth is noted in a new report released this week by the Collective Giving Research Group, of which I’m a founding member along with Jessica Bearman of Bearman Consulting, Julia Carboni of Syracuse University, and Angela Eikenberry of the University of Nebraska at Omaha. The Landscape of Giving Circles/Collective Giving Groups in the U.S. — 2016, investigates the current scope and scale of collective giving groups in the United States to understand their impact on donor giving and civic engagement.



阅读有关集体捐赠团体的兴起约翰逊中心的杰森·富兰克林(Jason Franklin)。