在3月下旬的一个星期六傍晚,我们的国家充满了恐惧和不确定性,我收到了一位亲爱的朋友,导师和长期社会正义组织者的电子邮件,主题是“有趣而清醒的作品”。消息的主体仅包含与安德鲁·沙利文(Andrew Sullivan)文章的链接如何在瘟疫中生存。几个小时后,在床上,仍然从沙利文(Sullivan)强大的清醒和鼓舞人心的作品中卷起来,我的妻子轻拍我的肩膀,分享了她的水破裂。经过几次打电话给我们的助产士和岳母的到来,我们去了哥伦布的韦克斯纳医疗中心。Later that day, while my wife and newborn son rested, I scrolled through my social media feeds to learn Governor DeWine announced Ohio’s first COVID-19 related deaths and issued a “stay-at-home” order that was set to go into effect the following day. I didn’t have the words to describe it in the moment, but sitting in that hospital room, in the midst of a global pandemic, while celebrating our newborn son was like standing at the intersection of promise and peril.


Within the funding community, there appears to be an openness, unlike anything I’ve seen in my lifetime, to align their priorities to the on-the-ground demands for racial and economic justice and wield their considerable influence to affect policy and politics which improve the quality of life for the majority of Americans. The question I have for the funding community is will you move from a mere openness to a full-fledged commitment to transforming your approach to giving?

如果您的答案“非常愿意!”And, “Didn’t you read our statement in support of Black Lives and our COVID-19 relief fund?”, then I’m grateful for your decisive action, but I want to know what values and principles will guide your work in pursuit of justice and how will you hold yourself publicly accountable to striving to live out these values and principles each day. In my work supporting funders interested in a more community-centered and justice-oriented approach, the eagerness to sprint toward the creation and execution of solutions is inspiring, but without being firmly grounded in a set of values and principles their strategy is standing on a bed of quicksand. As more and more funders commit to supporting justice-centered work each day (YAY!), I’m sharing a non-exhaustive list of social justice principles that I’ve adapted for aspiring justice-centered funders. I included links within some of the principles for those interested in digging in a layer deeper. In reading through these principles, I challenge you to reflect on my question above.

  • 健康水,健康鱼类这一原则促使慈善事业面对种族主义力量如何定义游戏规则。系统而不是人需要固定。
  • 对程序的电力该原则呼吁慈善事业完全致力于建立,结合和赋予种族和经济正义的权力
  • 当我们充当邻居而不是竞争者时,我们从隔离到相互依存。
  • 可以有一个观点- 请与利益相关者明确您的立场,要求肯定同意,并努力建立互惠互利的伙伴关系。该原则向慈善事业挑战超越代币主义并安置BIPOC社区并成为系统转型的合作伙伴关系
  • 以信任的速度移动。该原则呼吁慈善事业中的个人领导人采用建立关系力量与他们的工作的预期受益者


万博体育万博助手Camelback Ventures的首都合作与希望加深其个人和组织对种族和性别平等的组织承诺加深的白人资助者和社会影响投资者合作,但可能不知道如何。我们独特的方法汇集了一个白人同谋社区,以进行内省和具体的课程,以使他们的网络多样化并使他们的赠款流程更加公平。

您可以了解更多信息,并注册Camelback Ventures的下一个万博体育万博助手首都合作群体,该协作将于2021年1月开始这里