慈善事业在本质上是由战略和绩效指标决定的,而且还取决于我们关系的质量。在9月份的虚拟国际慈善创新研讨会(innovation in International Philanthropy Symposium)上,我听了三位主讲人的演讲,这一点变得格外清晰。
西奥·索瓦(Theo Sowa)用她悦耳的声音敦促我们:“超越人们不断试图把你放进的盒子。”换句话说,“不要只听那些和你自己长得很像的人——你的内部(捐赠者)圈子。”“听听那些生活在第一线的人的经验。让他们有权决定如何投资你提供的资金。
大会主讲人、出生于南非的人权和气候活动人士库米•纳杜(Kumi Nadoo)抱怨说,我们做慈善的人经常“倾听人们没有的东西”。这只会进一步剥夺他们的权力。”Instead, he exhorted, we should listen for their strengths and assets, their power, dignity, and successes. Reflect them back and build upon them.
我有时会被世界上所有的挑战压垮。因此,我对尤萨夫齐的反问产生了共鸣,“作为一个个体,我能做些什么?””She urged us to not isolate ourselves, but to draw others in by asking how they are personally affected by current issues. No matter where we are — whether in our families, neighborhoods, or workplaces – we can simply ask, ‘How are you impacted by what is happening around us?’
想象一下,如果我们每个人都像尤萨夫齐一样,问我们网络中的人,‘我们周围发生的事情对你有什么影响?”If we shared with them how we are personally addressing the existential crises of our lives — and inspired them to join us — we would have the power to increase global philanthropy far beyond the meager 5c on the dollar for every donation from the US.