奥伦卡斯商学院:的主要作用,我们今天真的一定政府在本质上是市场秩序在说,“我们不喜欢工资低,所以我们要有一个最低工资。我们不喜欢特定的工作环境,所以我们要禁止他们。”And then as you mentioned, to create the infrastructure to have organized labor as well. One place that the government is surprisingly absent is on the workforce preparedness and training side where our education system is really overwhelmingly focused on college attainment. And for people who aren't going to make it through college, which is still the majority of Americans, we really offer little to nothing and declining support over time, and so that contrasts a lot with other countries that certainly they have a lot of regulatory policies as well, but they tend to take a much greater interest in the other conditions of the labor market and what they're doing to lay the groundwork for successful outcomes for workers.