Black Liberation Pooled FundFund

About This Fund

At Solidaire Network, we believe that Black-led social change is not just about justice for Black communities, but a broad and deep societal transformation for all. Since 2013, our members have moved over $7 million through Solidaire and over $20 million in aligned giving to the Black-led social change ecosystem. Today, we continue to operate in deep solidarity with grassroots organizers in Black communities, working to coordinate deeper and longer-term resource mobilization for a network of Black-led movement efforts.

The Black Liberation Pooled Fund (BLPF) pools resources to then allocate to the powerful ecosystem of Black-led social change organizations around the country. Through multi-year grants, the BLPF will fortify Black resistance organizing, embolden the imagination and creation of liberatory Black futures, and invest in the development of Black movement infrastructure.

About The Host Organization

Born out of a need to fight against corporate greed, economic inequality, climate change, gender and racial injustice, and anti-Blackness, Solidaire Network is a community of donor organizers who mobilize quickly to get critical resources and unprecedented amounts of solidarity to the frontlines of social justice movements.

我们举行collective vision of radical giving that invites donors to transform ourselves and our own relationship to power and wealth.

Host Organization

Solidaire Network

Solidaire Network logo

Give to this Fund

  • EIN: 84-2130536
  • Location:Malden, MA, USA
  • Category:North America, Race and Ethnicity